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Encryption in the age of surveillance
Opening intervention at European Digital Rights Association (EDRi) event: "Encryption in the age of surveillance", by Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights "First of all, I want to thank the organisers, our partners at EDRi, for inviting me to this important event. It...
Hearing of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in the cases of H.F. and M.F. v. France and J.D. and A.D. v. France
Mr President, Distinguished members of the Court, I have decided to intervene in these cases because they concern an urgent situation, demanding urgent action. The situation faced by nationals of Council of Europe member states detained in the camps in North-East Syria is continuously...
Third party intervention
Commissioner publishes her observations on the repatriation of European nationals held in camps in North-East Syria
Today the Commissioner published her written observations submitted to the European Court of Human Rights as a third-party in the cases of H.F. and M.F. v. France and J.D. and A.D. v. France on the fate of European nationals held in camps in North-East Syria. The Commissioner considers that...
Swiss lawmakers should review draft legislation on police counterterrorism measures to ensure respect for human rights
In a letter addressed to the Chair and members of the National Council Committee on Security Policy, made public today, the Commissioner invites parliamentarians to review the draft Federal Law on Police Counterterrorism Measures in order to ensure that all human rights standards are respected....
PACE urgent debate on International obligations concerning the repatriation of children from war and conflict zones
Mr President, Mr. Rapporteur, Ladies and gentlemen, Allow me first to thank the Parliamentary Assembly for giving me the opportunity to address its plenary on this very important and sensitive issue. I would also like to congratulate Mr. Schennach on his report, which perfectly highlights the...
Council of Europe member states should urgently repatriate their under-age nationals stranded in Northern Syria
The camp of Al-Hol in Northern Syria hosts more than 73 000 people, including citizens of Council of Europe member states, who live in squalid and hazardous conditions according to the World Health Organisation. 90% of those stranded in the camp with almost no access to health care are women and...
Russian Federation: misuse of anti-terrorism legislation limits media freedom and freedom of expression
Today the Commissioner published a letter in which she asks the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Tatiana Moskalkova, to accord close attention to the case of Svetlana Prokopyeva, a freelance journalist, who is a suspect in a criminal investigation for alleged...
Human Rights Comment
Misuse of anti-terror legislation threatens freedom of expression
When terrorism spreads, states are often tempted to restrict fundamental freedoms for the sake of fighting it and preventing further attacks. Terrorism constitutes a serious threat to human rights and democracy and action by states is necessary to prevent and effectively sanction terrorist acts....
Commissioner urges the UK to initiate an independent, judge-led inquiry into counterterrorism abuses
Today the Commissioner published a letter she addressed to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, in which she urges the UK Government to initiate a judge-led inquiry on detainee mistreatment and rendition following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. The letter follows up...
1164th Plenary Meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council
1164th Plenary Meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, address by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights - 16 November 2017, Vienna. Read the speech: CommDH/Speech(2017)7
Respecting fundamental rights and freedoms in the context of strengthening the fight against terrorism
Respecting fundamental rights and freedoms in the context of strengthening the fight against terrorism. Concluding remarks by Nils Muižnieks, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, 3rd IPCAN conference - 15 September 2017, Strasbourg Read the speech : CommDH/Speech(2017)6
France : le projet de loi sur la lutte contre le terrorisme doit être mis en conformité avec la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
Le Commissaire publie aujourd’hui une lettre dans laquelle il appelle les sénateurs français à améliorer le projet de loi renforçant la sécurité intérieure et la lutte contre le terrorisme afin de le mettre en conformité avec les normes du Conseil de l’Europe, notamment la jurisprudence de la...
Third party intervention
The Commissioner intervenes before the European Court of Human Rights in a group of cases concerning anti-terrorism operations in South-Eastern Turkey
Today the Commissioner published his written observations submitted to the European Court of Human Rights concerning a group of 34 cases related to events which have occurred since August 2015 in the context of counter-terrorism operations and curfews in South-Eastern Turkey. Based on two visits...
Human Rights Comment
National human rights structures: protecting human rights while countering terrorism
A series of terrorist attacks has deeply traumatised Europe. In Brussels, Paris, Copenhagen, Ankara and beyond, shock was followed by fear of further attacks and a sense of urgency about preventing them. Preventing and combating terrorism is a clear duty of all states, which must respect and...
Visit Memorandum
Counter-terrorism operations in the South East of Turkey caused widespread human rights violations
“Numerous human rights of a very large civilian population in South-Eastern Turkey have been violated as a result of curfews imposed and anti-terrorism operations conducted there since August 2015. I call on Turkey to stop using curfews in such a manner, investigate all allegations of human...
The Netherlands urged to strengthen human rights safeguards in its response to terrorism
In a letter addressed to the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Minister of Security and Justice of the Netherlands published today Commissioner Muižnieks raises concerns about the possible detrimental impact that three counter-terrorism Bills currently under discussion may...
Visit Memorandum
Commissioner publishes Memorandum on surveillance in the UK
The Commissioner has published a Memorandum on surveillance and oversight mechanisms in the UK today. In the Memorandum he commends the UK government for its attempt to overhaul the investigatory powers framework by providing a world-leading Investigatory Powers Bill, which is currently the...
Turkey should ensure the protection of human rights in the fight against terrorism
I have been informed that the round-the-clock curfew declared in three neighbourhoods of Silvan on 2 November in the framework of anti-terror operations was lifted on 14 November, after 12 days. According to information provided by the Turkish authorities on my request, four curfews had already...
Opinion article
Europe is spying on you
New York Times, 28/10/2015 - When Edward Snowden disclosed details of America’s huge surveillance program two years ago, many in Europe thought that the response would be increased transparency and stronger oversight of security services.
Lecture at New York University
Speech by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, during a lecture at New York University (22 October 2015) CommDH/Speech(2015)6
Issue paper
Reinforcing democratic oversight of security services cannot be further delayed
Read the issue paper “The current systems of oversight of national security services in Europe remain largely ineffective. Revelations over the last years about security operations which have violated human rights should have prompted reforms in this field, but progress has been disappointingly...
The Commissioner addresses the French Senate on surveillance bill
Today the Commissioner has released a letter addressed to the members of the French Senate Commission which is discussing the surveillance bill. The Commissioner reiterates the importance of adopting a law which is compliant with human rights and thus urges the Senators to dispel the concerns...
Interview ARTE concernant le projet de loi sur le renseignement en France
Le Commissaire s’inquiète des nouvelles mesures antiterrorisme
Je m’inquiète de l’approche strictement sécuritaire qui caractérise les discussions et les textes de loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre le terrorisme. Le blocage de sites Internet sans autorisation judiciaire préalable, dont la mise en œuvre a récemment débuté en France, est un exemple clair...
Human Rights Comment
Human rights at risk when secret surveillance spreads
The fear of terrorism, technology that is developing at the speed of light, private companies and state security agencies compiling personal information – this topical mix has become a severe threat to the right to privacy. Despite the intentions, secret surveillance to counter terrorism can...
Human Rights Comment
Time for accountability in CIA torture cases
Twelve years ago, almost three thousand people were killed by the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. Commemorative events provide an occasion to pay respects to the innocent victims, but also to reflect on the anti-terrorist response adopted by the USA and Europe. By allowing unlawful...
The Future of Human Rights Protection in Europe
The Future of Human Rights Protection in Europe. Address by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, at the 25th anniversary of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, The Hague, 25 January 2013 Read the speech CommDH/Speech(2013)1
"How to ensure that the Internet remains an open and public forum for exercising freedom of opinion and expression and facilitating other human rights and fundamental freedoms"
"How to ensure that the Internet remains an open and public forum for exercising freedom of opinion and expression and facilitating other human rights and fundamental freedoms".Dublin Conference on Internet Freedom. Address by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights...
Human Rights Comment
Europeans must account for their complicity in CIA secret detention and torture
From late 2001 onwards, the US Central Intelligence Agency developed a vast network of clandestine counter-terrorism operations to capture and detain its most wanted suspects. The CIA’s partner agencies in various foreign countries – including across Europe – lent their close collaboration. The...
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“Serious human rights violations during anti-terror campaign must be corrected - and never repeated”
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“Serious human rights violations during anti-terror campaign must be corrected - and never repeated”
Human Rights Comment
Highly intrusive spyware threatens the essence of human rights
Over 18 months have passed since an international coalition of brave investigative journalists released the Pegasus Project. The disclosure of the leak of over 50,000 phone numbers, including those of many human rights defenders, journalists, academics, and opposition leaders, that had been...
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